Tara Skye Goldin, N.D. Naturopathic Doctor (Colorado), Naturopathic Physician (Montana), and Classical Homeopath, Boulder CO is an expert in natural medicine as well as a highly skilled and experienced Classical Homeopath. Her practice focuses primarily on women’s health issues and pediatrics, though she has patients of all ages and both genders. She is a 1990 graduate of Bastyr University a four year post-graduate naturopathic medical school(www.bastyr.edu) and is the only Naturopath in the Boulder area to have seven additional years of extensive homeopathy training. She studied from 1998 – 2004 with Louis Klein, RsHom (www.homeopathycourses.com) and Jeremy Sherr, RsHom. In addition she is a longtime yoga and meditation practitioner. She has been successfully improving the health of Boulder families since 1993.